Saturday, August 17, 2013

Oh. Right. I have a blog.

So yeah. Summer's over, like, 100% over. Things I did? Well, it's great that you asked.

I stayed at home because no one wanted to hire a seasonal worker who was only going to be there one summer. So no pay-check.

BUT. I did get a lot of time with my friends, and even ended up meeting some people (I know, me, meeting people, seems impossible)! It was lovely to see everyone, and hang out with them, and see what they've been doing while at school. The band my Dimities is in really took off this summer and were fantastic at their shows and wonderful in their recording, and were all around just great. My Wifers and I have started to intensely plan our trip to Mexico this winter, which is my motivating factor for getting through the first semester of school.

But right now I'm just sitting in my awesome room at school (no, seriously, best sophomore building and RA room? Own bathroom, living room, bedroom, hallway thing, TWO closets...its the best), up way too late for the hours I work during the day (and I say work as in, forced training for RA stuff and listing and note taking and having the same information thrown at us over and over while we're still in the dark about some really urgent and anxiety inducing things, but whatever!), and waiting for TJ to come over because apparently he is doing so if only because he wants some of the candy I have for my residents and myself.

I got a tattoo, my dog is going to be turning 3, I really want a Mac laptop, and I'm in love with Benedict Cumberbatch.

Goodnight y'all,